
西方同中国在非洲利益冲突与中国的应对策略 被引量:12

Interest Conflict between the West and China in Africa and China's Strategy to Deal with
摘要 "中国因素"是促使西方国家对非洲政策从战略忽视到战略关注转变的主要因素之一。西方国家对非洲战略或政策的调整使中国开展对非洲合作面临激烈国际竞争和复杂国际环境。西方大国与中国在非洲利益冲突的焦点集中在战略竞争、经济利益、价值观念3个层面。西方不仅加大对非洲关注和投入的力度,而且制造和散布各种言论,干扰和破坏中非合作;同时,试图通过对话与合作来规约中国在非洲的经济行为,逐步将中国纳入西方主导的国际体系。在处理与西方国家在非洲的利益关系时,中国除了需要对与西方国家存在争议的问题作出理性回应外,还应完善自身的对非洲合作机制和政策,并妥善处理中国与非洲国家之间的利益关系。 The 'Chinese factor' is one of the main factors that make the West African policy to turn from neglecting Africa to thinking strategically highly of Africa.Adjustment of the Western African strategy and policy has been making China face serious international competition and complicated international environment in its cooperation with Africa.The focus of the China-West interest conflict is mainly on strategic competition,economic interest and values.The West is not only putting more in Africa but rebuking China-Africa relation and undermining its development.The West is now setting rules on China's economic activities in Africa by engaging China in cooperation and dialogues with them so that China could be brought into the international system oriented by the West.While China needs to deal with its divergence with the West and to give its rational responses,it needs also to further improve its cooperation mechanism with and policy towards Africa,and properly deal with its interest relationship with Africa.
作者 张宏明
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第7期5-11,共7页 West Asia and Africa
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