目的了解苏北地区居民乙型肝炎相关知识知晓率,为有针对性的开展乙型肝炎防治知识宣传教育奠定基础。方法采用分层随机整群抽样的方法 ,在苏北地区3个县(区)抽取部分居民进行问卷调查。结果苏北地区居民乙型肝炎防治知识总知晓率为49.73%。主要获取途径是电视(51.4%)。对乙型肝炎的三条传播途径的知晓率分别为41.2%、37.6%和23.3%。不同性别、居住地、文化层次居民乙型肝炎知识的知晓率不同(P<0.01)。农村居民乙型肝炎防治知识知晓率相对较低。结论苏北地区居民乙型肝炎防治知识知晓率较低,存在城乡和文化差异,应针对苏北地区居民设计合适的乙型肝炎健康教育方式。
Objective To investigate the knowledge awareness rate of hepatitis B prevention and control among residents in northern Jiangsu Province,and to develop the specific prevention strategies.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among residents who were selected by stratified randomly cluster sampling from 3 counties of northern Jiangsu Province.Results The general awareness rate of hepatitis B knowledge was 49.73%.Watching TV (51.4%) was the main channel to gain the knowledge for the participants.The awareness rates of 3 transmission routes were 41.2%,37.6% and 23.3%,respectively.There were significant differences among different genders,residences and education levels(P0.01).The knowledge rate among the farmers was lower.Conclusion The general awareness rate of hepatitis B among residents in northern Jiangsu Province is low,and there are some differences between city and countryside,and among different education levels.It is necessary to design and conduct suitable methods and contents of health education in northern Jiangsu Province.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Hepatitis B
Awareness rate
Health Education