
蚯蚓在植物修复菲污染土壤中的作用 被引量:6

Roles of Earthworm in Phytoremediation of Phenanthrene Contaminated Soil
摘要 采用盆栽试验法,研究了蚯蚓(Pheretima sp.)在植物修复菲污染土壤中的作用。结果显示,试验浓度(20.05-322.06 mg.kg-1)范围内,蚯蚓活动促进了菲污染土壤中修复植物黑麦草(Lolium multiforum)的生长,其根冠比明显增大。添加蚯蚓72 d后,种植黑麦草的土壤中菲的去除率高达64.35%-93.40%,其平均去除率(80.92%)比无蚯蚓活动的土壤-植物系统(71.57%)提高9.35%,比无植物对照组(22.58%)提高57.34%。各种生物、非生物修复因子中,植物-微生物交互作用对菲去除的平均贡献率(53.56%)最为突出,比无蚯蚓活动时(47.48%)提高6.08%。说明蚯蚓活动可强化土壤-植物系统对土壤菲污染的修复作用。 A pot experiment was carried out to study effect of earthworm(Pheretima sp.)on ryegrass(Lolium multiforum)remedying soils polluted by phenanthrene(Phe)in a green house.Results showed that earthworm activity promoted growth of ryegrass in spiked soils with initial concentrations of Phe ranging from 20.05 to 322.06 mg.kg-1,and apparently increased its root/shoot ratio.Seventy-two days after earthworm was introduced in,the Phe removal rate reached 64.35%~93.40%,and averagely 80.92% of Phe was removed from the soils plant-ed,which was 9.35% higher than that in the treatment planted without earthworm introduced in,and 57.34% higher than that in the treatment unplanted without earthworm introduced in,respectively.Among all the remedying factors(i.e.abiotic loss,phytodegredation,plant accumu-lation,microbial degradation,earthworm accumulation and plant-microbial interaction),the plant-microbial interaction contributed the most,about 53.56% of the total removal,6.08% higher in the treatment with earthworm introduced in than in the treatment without earthworm(i.e.47.48% of Phe).The findings suggested that introduction of earthworm may be a feasible way for establishing high efficiency phytoremedia-tion of soil polluted with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)by removing Phe from the soil-plant system,especially for decreasing crop accumulations to PAHs and reducing its ecological risks.
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期1296-1301,共6页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAD87B10-05) 国家863项目(2006AA10Z427)
关键词 植物修复 多环芳烃 黑麦草 蚯蚓 phytoremediation PAHs phenanthrene Lolium multiforum earthworm
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