
复合吸收促进剂-葛根素片药物动力学与生物利用度研究 被引量:6

Study on Pharmacokinetics and Bioequivalen of Multi-Absorption Enhancer and Puerarin Tablet
摘要 目的:建立家犬血浆中葛根素的高效液相色谱-荧光法测定方法;研究单剂量口服复合吸收促进剂-葛根素片在家犬体内的药物动力学和相对生物利用度。方法:6只健康家犬采用随机交叉自身对照试验,分别单次口服复合吸收促进剂-葛根素片和普通葛根素片,采用高效液相色谱-荧光法测定。结果:复合吸收促进剂-葛根素片和普通葛根素片的Cmax分别为(0.326±0.121)ng·mL-1和(0.272±0.083)ng·mL-1,tmax分别为(2.750±0.957)h和(4.500±1.732)h,t1/2α分别为(1.157±0.748)h和(1.223±0.311)h,t1/2β分别为(6.679±2.552)h和(1.987±0.386)h,AUC(0-t)分别为(2.513±1.046)mg·h·L-1和(1.951±0.442)mg·h·L-1,AUC(0-∞)分别为(5.035±2.190)mg·h·L-1和(3.001±1.382)mg·h·L-1。复合吸收促进剂-葛根素片与普通葛根素片相比较相对生物利用度为(128.8±31.2)%。Cmax、AUC(0-t)及AUC(0-∞)经生物等效性检验均为不等效。结论:试验建立的分析方法准确、灵敏、快速。复合吸收促进剂-葛根素片与普通葛根素片相比生物不等效,复合吸收促进剂-葛根素片的生物利用度提高了28.8%。 Objective:To establish an analytical method for the determination of puerarin in dog plasma with HPLC-FLD,and to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and relative-bioavailability of puerarin of tested multi-absorption enhancer and puerarin tablet after a single oral dose in healthy dogs. Method:Six healthy dogs took muti-absorption enhancer and puerarin tablets with a single oral dose in a randomized cross-over design in the case. The serum concentration of puerarin was determined by HPLC-FLD method. Result:The puerarin in test and reference formulations were Cmax(0. 326 ± 0. 121) and(0. 272 ± 0. 083) ng·mL^-1,tmax(2. 750 ± 0. 957) and(4. 500 ± 1. 732) h,t1/2α(1. 157 ± 0. 748) and(1. 223 ± 0. 311) h,t1/2β(6. 679 ± 2. 552) and(1. 987 ± 0. 386) h,AUC(0-t) (2. 513 ± 1. 046) and(1. 951 ± 0. 442) mg·h·L^-1,AUC(0-∞) (5. 035 ± 2. 190) and(3. 001 ± 1. 382) mg·h· L^-1,respectively. The relative bioavailability of puerarin was(128. 8 ± 31. 2) % . Cmax,AUC(0-t) and AUC(0-∞) were not bioequivalent through the bioequivalent tests. Conclusion:The method is proved to be accurate,sensitiveand rapid. Puerarin in the test formulation is not bioequivalent to the reference formulation. The relative-bioavailability of puerarin of tested multi-absorption enhancer and puerarin tablet is enhanced by 28. 8 percents.
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第7期142-146,共5页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 江西省自然科学基金资助项目(2007GZY0932)
关键词 葛根素 复合吸收促进剂 药物动力学 生物等效性 puerarin multi-absorption enhancer pharmacokinetics bioequivalence
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