The social category is an important component of socialist new local records.It is also a weak link in the first round compilation.In fact,it will be not only of important scientific value but also of important practical significance to study and understand regional society from the sociological perspective.In comparison with economic and political categories,the social category of local records focuses mainly on social organizations and social events,and possesses more long-standing and more practical characteristics of succession.From a point of view of reality,the distinction between the continued compilation of local records and the previous first round compilation makes it necessary to further strengthen the study on social category.The author points out that it is of great importance to appropriately clarify the social category in the continued compilation and to accentuate key social issues which the social category should pay attention to.The following points should be taken into consideration for the continued compilation of local records: 1.description of human environment and its protection;2.description of population and family planning;3.description of labor-employment and social pension;4.description of marriage and family;5.description of nationalities issues;6.description of religious issues;7.description of custom and dialects.
China Local Records