
主要发达国家能源与应对气候变化立法动向及其启示 被引量:3

Progress of Energy and Climate Change Legislation in Developed Countries and Its Revelation
摘要 妥善应对气候变化事关经济社会发展全局,是一项系统工程,需要通过建立健全应对气候变化法律体系,完善管理体制和工作机制,推动应对气候变化走上法制化轨道。发达国家在应对气候变化立法方面取得了一些进展,积累了可供借鉴的经验。本文分析了近期主要发达国家应对气候变化立法的动向,提出应对气候变化立法的根本目的在于保障本国经济可持续发展,突出能源对发展的硬约束是立法的核心,应对气候变化政策应获得公众广泛支持等。 Addressing climate change in a proper way bears significance on the overall situation of our national economic and social development.This complicated systematic project asks for strengthening the legal system to provide stronger legal guarantee.Developed countries have made significant progress recently,which provides experience to our climate change-related legislation framework improvement.This paper reviews the recent progress of climate change legislation in developed countries,and hereby presents five key points on climate change-related legislation: 1) the goal of climate change-related legislation establishment is to guarantee the sustainable development of the country;2) the core of it is to break through the energy limitation on development;3) climate change-related policies should be based on public support.
作者 高翔
机构地区 能源研究所
出处 《中国能源》 2010年第7期29-32,41,共5页 Energy of China
关键词 发达国家 气候变化 立法 Developed countries Climate change Legislation
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