
非胸腔镜微创Nuss手术治疗漏斗胸 被引量:1

Non-thoracosocpic minimally invasive Nuss procedure for correction of pectus excavatum
摘要 目的探讨非胸腔镜微创Nuss手术治疗漏斗胸的手术方法、效果和相关临床经验。方法 2006年6月到2008年12月,采用非胸腔镜辅助下行Nuss手术治疗漏斗胸患儿36例,评价其手术安全性、疗效及预后。结果 36例均顺利完成手术,无术中并发症。手术时间45~70 min;术中平均出血量9.8 mL;术后平均住院时间7.9 d;术后随访9~22个月。术后早期并发气胸3例(8.3%),2例出现晚期并发症(5.5%),1例间断疼痛1个月,1例因切口排异反应术后3个月取出钢板。结论非胸腔镜微创矫正漏斗胸的Nuss手术方法安全有效,技术的改进和远期效果评价有待进一步研究探讨。 Objective To access the efficacy and summarize the treatment experience in correction of pectus excavatum by the non-thoracoscopic minimally invasive Nuss procedure.Methods 36 patients with pectus excavatum were all surgically corrected by non-thoracosocpic minimally invasive Nuss procedure.Results All the patients were treated successfully.The operating times ranged from 45 to 70 minutes.The average intra operative blood loss was 9.8 m1.The average of post-operative hospital stay was 7.9 days.The duration of follow-up was 9 to 22 months.The earlier postoperative complication was pneumothorax in 3 case(8.3%).The late complications occurred in 2 patients(5.5%).One had chronic intermittent pain about one month,and the other one removed the bar three months after operation because of rejection of skin incisions.Conclusion The non-thoracoscopic minimally invasive Nuss procedure is a safe,effective and reliable method.Modification of the original technique of procedure and evaluation of long-term result require further study.
作者 杨峥 戴天阳
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第14期1880-1881,共2页 Chongqing medicine
关键词 漏斗胸 非胸腔镜 NUSS手术 pectus excavatum non-thoracosocpic nuss procedure
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