摘要卫生部口腔种植科技中心(china dentalImplantol-ogy center ministry of public health,CDIC)纯钛种植体是卫生部口腔种植科技中心独立研制、开发的一种可长期植入人体的新型生物医用材料固位装置,根据人体解剖结构与部位特点设计形态,采用高新技术精密加工和特殊表面处理技术制造而成,我科自2008年开展人工种植牙以来,
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4Oak JJ, Louzgnine-Luzgin DV, Inoue A. Investigation of glass- forming ability, Deformation and corrosion behavior of Ni-free Ti- based BMG alloys designed for Application as dental implants[ J].Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems,2009,29( 1 ) :322-327.