
干细胞移植治疗心脏疾病的研究与应用 被引量:1

Research and application of stem cell transplantation for treatment of heart disease
摘要 背景:心脏疾病发展到终末期,由于受到种种限制,现有的治疗手段不能从根本上治愈心脏疾病。干细胞是各种成熟细胞的起源细胞,具有自我更新和分化的潜能,其有较强的再生能力,替代,修复或加强受损的组织或器官的生物学功能,理论上使心血管疾病最终得到治愈成为可能,尽管存在争议,但大量研究资料表明干细胞移植治疗是安全有效的。目的:综述干细胞移植治疗心脏疾病的相关研究进展。方法:第一作者应用计算机检索1999-01/2006-10PubMed数据库(网址http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed)相关文章,检索词为"stem cells,transplant,heart disease",并限定文章语言种类为English。同时计算机检索1999-01/2006-10中国期刊全文数据库(网址http://www.wanfangdata.com.cn)相关文章,检索词为"干细胞,移植,心脏疾病",并限定文章语言种类为中文。共检索到文献60篇。结果与结论:各种类型的心脏疾病发展到终末期,由于受到心肌细胞结构和功能的不可逆损害,健康的心肌细胞有限的代偿不能满足机体需求,各种姑息保守治疗手段不能解决根本问题,难以达到令人满意的程度。而心脏供体源有限、免疫排斥反应、费用的昂贵及手术的高风险使心脏移植治疗受到很大的限制。给临床治疗提出了严峻的挑战。寻找一种更有效的治疗手段、开辟新的治疗途径成为必然。随着组织、细胞工程研究的不断深入,细胞重建和功能恢复的干细胞移植疗法成为有应用前景的研究热点。 BACKGROUND:With the development of end-stage heart disease,heart disease can not be cured fundamentally due to lots of limitations and existing treatments.Stem cells are mature cells of various origin cells,with self-renewal and differentiation potential.Stem cells have a strong regenerative capacity to replace,repair or strengthen damaged tissues or organs of biological functions.In theory,it is possible to cure cardiovascular disease eventually.However,numerous studies have suggested that stem cell transplantation treatment is safe and effective.OBJECTIVE:To summarize the clinical research progress in stem cell transplantation in treatment of heart disease.METHODS:The first author retrieved PubMed Database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed) for related articles published from January 1999 to October 2006,with the key words of "stem cells,transplant,heart disease" in English.Simultaneously,a computer-based search was performed in China Journal Full-text Database (http://www.wanfangdata.com.cn) for relevant articles published from January 1999 to October 2006 with the key words of "stem cells,transplant,heart disease" in Chinese.A total of 60 literatures were retrieved.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Various types of heart disease developed to the final stage,the healthy myocardial cells cannot satisfy the needs of the body due to irreversible damage to the structure and function of myocardial cells.Moreover,varied palliative conservative treatments can not achieve satisfactory degree due to inability to solve the fundamental problem.However,the heart transplantation has been greatly limited,due to difficulties in obtaining donor,immunological rejection,high cost and high risk.These provide challenges for clinical treatment.Looking for a more effective treatment and opening up new treatment approaches have become inevitable.With the development of tissue and cell engineering research,the function recovery and reconstruction of stem cell transplantation therapies have become the hot research prospect.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第23期4342-4346,共5页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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