
基于多通道事件相关电位的心理意识真实性检测 被引量:3

Identification of Mentality Facticity Based on Multi-channel Event-related Potentials
摘要 将多通道事件相关电位应用于心理意识真实性检测技术研究。以真伪已明确的有意义的个人信息(如姓名、生日)作为被测试信息,应用隐瞒信息测试(concealed information test,CIT)模式对15名受试者进行了测试并记录30通道脑电信号,分析了探测刺激和无关刺激诱发的事件相关电位之间的差异性,提取差异性较为显著的15个通道的P300幅度值作为特征参数样本值,通过判别两类刺激的统计差异显著性来识别其真实意识信息。结果表明:探测刺激在多个通道诱发的P300幅度显著高于无关刺激诱发的P300幅度(P<0.01),依据其特征参数样本值的统计显著差异性对相关信息的正确检测率为93.3%,明显高于基于单通道事件相关电位法的正确检测率。多通道事件相关电位方法可以作为一种心理意识真实性检测的新方法,具有无创、正确率较高等优点。 This paper explores the use of multi-channel event-related potentials (ERP) to identify mentality facticity or detect lie. Some identifiably meaning information,such as subjects'name and birthday,were selected as concealed information to be identified,15 subjects were tested by concealed information test (CIT) paradigm and their electroencephalographs (EEG) were recorded from 30 electrodes. In virtue of analysis on the statistically significant difference between multi-channel ERPs evoked by probe information and that evoked by irrelevant information,the P300 amplitudes of 15 electrodes were selected as F-test samples. The significant difference of feature sample values between probe and irrelevant information was applied to identify mentality facticity. The results indicate that P300 amplitudes evoked in many electrodes are significantly different between probe and irrelevant information (P0.01). According to the significant difference of space sample values between probe and irrelevant information,the detection correctness to probe information reaches to 93.3% and is better than that of methods based single-channel ERP. The method proposed has the advantages of non-invasion and better accuracy,which could be used to identify mentality facticity effectively.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期641-646,共6页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30870654)
关键词 心理意识 事件相关电位 P300 测谎 Mentality Event-related potential (ERP) P300 Lie detection
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