利用光学显微镜研究了Al-10%Sr变质剂对ZL114A合金组织的影响。采用T6工艺对金属模铸造的ZL114A合金进行了热处理,并对其拉伸性能进行了测试与分析。结果表明,最佳变质处理工艺为Sr元素的加入量为0.03wt%~0.05wt%,保温时间为30min;Sr元素变质能够明显提高ZL114A-T6合金的抗拉强度和伸长率,当添加0.03%Sr时,抗拉强度和伸长率分别从230 MPa和1%上升到最大值305MPa和8%。
The effect of Al-10%Sr modification agent on the microstructure of ZL114A alloy was investigated by OM. The cast ZL114A alloy was prepared using the metal casting, and then its heat treatment was done by T6 technology. The tensile property of the alloy was observed and analyzed. The results show that the optimized technology with Sr modification agent is 0.03wt%~0.05wt%Sr and holding for 30 min. Element Sr can significantly improve ZL114A-T6 aluminum alloy's tensile strength and elongation. Using 0.03%Sr, the tensile strength and elongation of ZL114A-T6 improve from 230 MPa and 1% to the maximum value of 305 MPa and 8%, respectively.
Hot Working Technology