
IMM概率数据关联算法的多重门限研究 被引量:4

Study on Multi_threshold Based on IMM Probabilistic Data Association Algorithm
摘要 合理的跟踪门将大大提高数据关联算法的性能,其重要性不言而喻。在椭圆跟踪门的基础上加入了速度和角度限定,进一步减少了波门中杂波的个数和计算量,提高了关联跟踪的质量。对飞机的俯冲运动进行了仿真,证明了算法的有效性和可行性,同时通过对比分析,得出此算法在密集杂波环境下有着更好的效果。 Properly-set tracking gate could greatly improve the algorithm performance of data association,and it plays an important role in data processing.The limit of velocity and angle is added in the elliptic tracking gate,thus to further reduce the clutters of the gate and calculation load,and improve the quality of the association.The simulation on the dive motion shows that the algorithm is feasible and effective in practice,and the comparison analysis also reveals that this algorithm could perform well in the dense clutters.
出处 《通信技术》 2010年第7期228-229,232,共3页 Communications Technology
关键词 交互式多模型 数据关联 跟踪门 多重门限 interactive multiple models data association tracking gate multi-threshold
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