
柳叶蕨属(鳞毛蕨科)分类性状观察 被引量:1

Observation of Morphological Characteristics of the Genus Cyrtogonellum Ching(Dryopteridaceae)
摘要 通过查阅馆藏标本和野外观察,对柳叶蕨属(Cyrtogonellum Ching)的形态特征进行了比较和分析。研究发现,叶脉游离或网结、顶羽片的有无、羽片对数和孢子表面纹饰等4个形态特征较为稳定,可以作为属下分类的主要依据;羽片形状和羽片大小在各个大类中较为稳定,但难以区分近缘种;而植株大小易受生境条件的影响,变异较大,不能单独用作属下分种的依据。 Through herbarium studies and field observations,the taxonomical characteristics of the fern genus Cyrtogonellum Ching (Dryopteridaceae) were compared and studied. The results showed that four morphological characteristics,veins free or anastomosing,apex pinnatifid or with an apical pinna,pairs of lateral pinnae,and spore ornamentation,are the most stable and useful characteristics in this genus. Other useful characteristics include both shape and size of the lateral pinnae. The size of plants is one of the most unreliable features and it should not be used as the sole basis for defining species.
作者 刘红梅 曾辉
出处 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期397-404,共8页 Bulletin of Botanical Research
基金 深圳市"双百"计划 中国博士后科学基金(No.20080430259)
关键词 柳叶蕨属 分类学 形态性状 Cyrtogonellum Ching taxonomy morphological characteristics
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