

Effect of Somatostatin on High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity and Oxidative Stress
摘要 用高脂(w为21.5%)的日粮饲喂C57BL/6小鼠28d,筛选肥胖动物,进行10d腹腔注射生长抑素(Somatosta-tin,SS)类似物奥曲肽(Octreotide,OCT)和SS拮抗剂环生长抑素(Cyclosomatostatin,CSS)干预试验,测定动物灌胃油脂后血浆SS、胰岛素水平、糖代谢指标、脂代谢指标和消化系统活性氧(ROS)生成与抗氧化指标,以探讨SS在高脂日粮诱导动物肥胖和氧化应激产生过程中的作用.结果显示,高脂日粮诱导肥胖动物出现糖、脂代谢紊乱,SS水平降低,灌胃油脂后消化系统ROS水平升高,机体氧化应激;注射OCT可以降低肥胖动物灌胃油脂后ROS水平,改善上述指标;注射CSS引起正常日粮组灌胃油脂后ROS水平升高,抗氧化能力降低,体质量增加.结果表明,SS在高脂日粮诱导的动物肥胖和氧化应激产生过程中起着重要的作用. To investigate the involvement of somatostatin (SS) in the progression of obesity and oxidative stress in response to a high-fat diet (HFD), male C57BL/6 mice were fed either a normal diet (w (fat) = 4. 89% ) or a high-fat diet (w (fat) = 21.45% ) for four weeks. The SS antagonist cyclosomatostatin (1 μg · kg^- 1· d^- 1 ), or the SS analog octreotide (20μg · kg^- 1· d^- 1 ) was then administered intraperitoneally to half of the control mice or the HFD-induced obese mice respectively, throughout the 10-days. Plasma SS,lipid, glucose, the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant status in the digestive systems were measured after intragastric administration of lard emulsion. Dyslipidemia, glycometabolism disorders, and an increase in levels of ROS and lipid peroxidation of the digestive systems were observed in HFD-induced obese mice,while a decrease in the plasma levels of SS was also observed. Simultaneous administration of SS analog octreotide to HFD-induced obese mice significantly reduced ROS production of the digestive system and resulted in the improvement of all the aforesaid adverse changes. The SS antagonist cyclosomatostatin induced an increase in body mass and ROS production of the digestive system and a decrease in antioxidant capability of the control mice. These results suggest a role of decreased somatostatin on HFD-induced obesity and oxidative stress.
出处 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期76-80,共5页 Journal of South China Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金(30571347)
关键词 生长抑素 活性氧 肥胖 氧化应激 somatostatin reactive oxygen species (ROS) obesity oxidative stress
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