

Study on Compensatory Growth of Different Growth Forms of Soybean Varieties after Leaf Loss in Vegetable Growth Stage
摘要 以盆栽的有限生长型大豆品种Enrei和无限生长型品种东山69为研究对象,在其V6营养生长期(第5枚真叶完全展开)施以5个水平的切叶处理(0、25%、50%、75%和100%),调查被害后大豆叶片光合速率和叶面积的变化情况。结果表明,2品种的子实产量在50%以下的切叶处理中无明显变化,在75%以上的切叶处理中显著降低;切叶处理大豆的新叶比、叶面积(SLA)、叶面积相对生长率、残存叶或新叶光合速度、叶片N素含量及同化产物向叶的转移均增加,说明大豆子实产量与个体的最大叶面积呈显著正相关。 With potted soybean variety Enrei of determinate growth type and soybean variety Dongshan69 of indeterminate growth type as the studied objects,they were treated with leaf-cutting at 5 levels of 0,25%,50%,75% and 100% in their V6 vegetative growth stage when their 5th true leave were unfolded fully.Then the changes in photosynthetic rate and leaf area of damaged soybean leaves were investigated.The results indicated that the seed outputs of the 2 varieties had no obvious change in leaf-cutting treatments under 50% and were reduced significantly in leaf-cutting treatments above 75%;the new leaf proportion,surface leaf area(SLA) and its relative growth rate,photosynthetic rates of residual leaves and new leaves,nitrogen content in leaf and anabolite transferred toward leaf of soybean treated with leaf-cutting were increased,illustrating that the seed output of soybean showed significant positive correlation with individual maximum SLA.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第16期8361-8364,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 大豆 切叶处理 光合速度 子实产量 叶面积 Soybean Leaf-cutting treatment Photosynthetic rate Seed output Leaf area
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