Traffic is a function of land use. Based on the understanding of mutual influences between transportation investment and land development, transportation corridors of various levels in Great Chengdu Area (GCA) were investigated. Trip generation was predicted based on population expansion, and trip attraction was estimated based on land use intensity coefficient. Lane assignment of transportation corridors with case studies is expected with two-way-six-lane routes connecting county-cities, two-way-four-lane routes connecting new towns in plane area, and two-way-two-lane connecting new towns in hilly area and prime villages.
Traffic is a function of land use. Based on the understanding of mutual influences between transportation investment and land development, transportation corridors of various levels in Great Chengdu Area (GCA) were investigated. Trip generation was predicted based on population expansion, and trip attraction was estimated based on land use intensity coefficient. Lane assignment of transportation corridors with case studies is expected with two-way-six-lane routes connecting county-cities, two-way-four-lane routes connecting new towns in plane area, and two-way-two-lane connecting new towns in hilly area and prime villages.