
河北阜城县、山东冠县男性生殖保健服务提供与利用现状调查结果分析 被引量:2

Survey on the current status of service offering and utilization of male reproductive health care in the primary service agencies in Hebei and Shandong
摘要 目的了解县级、乡镇男性生殖保健机构的服务提供与利用状况。方法使用统一的结构式问卷调查河北阜城县和山东冠县男性生殖保健机构的管理者和服务提供者18人。结果两县共有县、乡两级生殖保健服务机构64个,其中11个(17.19%)能够提供不同水平的男性生殖保健服务,5个设有男科医生(共13名),近5 a仅2个机构有少量生殖健康或者继续教育经费投入;近1 a男性患者构成比为15.04%;1个县仍施行男子绝育术,其中4个机构1 a共施行428例,平均男子绝育术构成比为28.25%。结论河北阜城县和山东冠县县级和乡镇基层男性生殖保健机构的服务提供与利用水平较低,需要采取干预措施以加强服务提供与利用能力。 Objective To survey the current status of service offering and utilization of the male reproductive health care in the primary service agencies of Fucheng in Hebei and Guanxian in Shandong. Methods 18 managers and providers of service agencies were investigated by the unified structured questionnaire in the primary service agencies of Fucheng in Hebei and Guanxian in Shandong. Results 11 of 64 service agencies for reproductive health care could offer different grade reproductive health care service for men. Only 13 andrologists worked in 5 service agencies, among which only 2 agencies invested small funds on male reproductive health care or continued education in last 5 years. In the last year, the constituent ratio of male patients was 15.04%, and 428 cases of male sterilization were totally performed in four agencies of one county. The average constituent ratio of male sterilization was 28.25%. Conclusion The service level of male reproductive health care in the partial primary service agencies of the county and township level is evidently lower. Therefore, intervention measures must be carried out in order to promote the level of service offering and utilization.
出处 《山东医药》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第22期10-12,共3页 Shandong Medical Journal
基金 科技部中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项基金资助项目(2007JZ01)
关键词 生殖健康 生殖保健 男性 reproductive health reproductive health care male
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