
基于VIKOR法的同类型装备集中采购评标模型研究 被引量:2

Research on Bid-evaluating Model for Centralized Procurement of the Same Type Equipment Based on VIKOR Method
摘要 为了提高同类型装备集中采购效益,构建了同类型装备集中采购评标指标体系,综合运用熵权法和VIKOR方法,建立了同类型装备集中采购评标模型。应用实例结果表明,该模型可以用来对投标单位评估,并较精确地展现投标单位的技术和经济实力,为评标提供科学的依据。 In order to increase the benefit of the centralized procurement of the same type equipment, this paper sets up the same type equipment centralized procurement bid-evaluating index system. The weighting entropy method and the multi-attribute decision making method VIKOR is used. It constructs bid-evaluating model of the same type equipment centralized procurement. A numerical example shows that the proposed model can be used to evaluate the bidder, and show accurately their technical and economic power. It can serve as scientific reference for bidding-evaluating.
出处 《军械工程学院学报》 2010年第3期6-8,25,共4页 Journal of Ordnance Engineering College
关键词 同类型装备 集中采购 评标模型 熵权 VIKOR same type equipment centralized procurement bidding-evaluating model entropy weight VIKOR
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