
损伤退变性脊柱疾病患者心理健康状况研究 被引量:1

Study on mental health status of patients with injury degenerative spinal disease
摘要 目的探讨损伤退变性脊柱疾病患者的心理健康状况。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和社会支持评定量表(SSRS)对99例患者的心理健康状况进行测验,并进行t检验、相关分析。结果①患者躯体化、抑郁、焦虑、敌对性、恐怖、偏执等因子分和总分、总均分、阳性症状明显高于常模(P<0.01),强迫因子分高于常模(P<0.05);②病程和工作时间对患者的心理健康状况有影响(P<0.05),而年龄、性别、文化程度、婚姻状况等方面无统计学意义(P>0.05);③心理健康状况与主观支持分和总分呈明显的负相关,和病程呈明显的正相关。结论患者的心理健康状况总体水平差,在一定程度上会影响疾病的诊治及预后。因此,加强对损伤退变性脊柱疾病患者的心理支持意义重大。 Objective To explore the mental health status of patients with injury degenerative spinal disease. Methods Questionnaires on SCL-90 and social support rating scale were used to evaluate the mental health status of 99 patients with injury degenerative spinal disease. Statistic methods such as t test,correlation analysis were used to analyze data. Results ①The total score,mean total score,and numbers of positive symptom,somatization,depression,anxiety,hostility,phobic anxiety,and paranoid ideation of SCL-90 in patients were significantly higher than that in the norm( P 0. 01) ,and the score of obsessive-compulsive was also higher than that in the norm( P 0. 05) . ②The course of disease and working time had significant effect on the mental health status of the patients( P 0. 05) ,but there was no statistical difference in age,gender,education,marriage( P 0. 05) . ③The mental health status was negatively correlated with subjective support and social support scores,and positively correlated with the course of disease. Conclusion The mental health status of patients with injury degenerative spinal disease are not as good as normal people. Treatment and prognosis of the illness are influenced by the psychological conditions. Therefore,psychological support for the patients with injury degenerative spinal disease is very important.
出处 《山西医科大学学报》 CAS 2010年第7期605-608,共4页 Journal of Shanxi Medical University
关键词 损伤退变性脊柱疾病 心理健康 社会支持 SCL-90 injury degenerative spinal disease mental health social support SCL-90
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