
干旱灾害安全网的构建:从危机管理到风险管理的战略性变迁 被引量:7

Construction of Drought Disaster Safety Net:Strategic Change from Crisis Management to Risk Management
摘要 旱灾危机管理集中于灾害发生时的应急管理或灾后的恢复与重建,而旱灾风险管理则包括准备、预测、早期预警、回应、恢复等灾害发生发展的全过程。从危机管理到风险管理的转变是现代化干旱管理发展的必然趋势,对减少旱灾损失,抗旱保粮,维护世界粮食安全具有重要的意义。伴随着管理理念的变迁,政府部门及各类非政府组织等利益相关者也应联合起来,发挥各自的优势并密切配合,组建一个综合性的干旱灾害安全网。干旱灾害安全网的构建对转变抗旱工作理念、加强干旱管理体制、明确干旱管理职能和提高干旱管理水平有较好的借鉴意义。 The drought crisis management focus on emergency management in disaster occurring or post-disaster restoration and reconstruction, and drought risk management includes the whole process of disaster formation and development: preparation, forecasting, early warning, response, recovery and so on. The change from crisis management to risk management is an inevitable trend of modern drought management development. It has great significance to reduce drought damage, ensure the grain and safeguard world food security. With the change of management concept, the stakeholders including government departments and various non-governmental organizations should join together to make use of their respective advantages and cooperate closely to form a comprehensive drought disaster safety net. The construction of drought disaster safety net has better reference meaning to change drought-resistant concept, strengthen drought management system, understand specifically drought management functions and improve the level of drought management.
作者 程静 彭必源
出处 《孝感学院学报》 2010年第4期79-82,共4页 JOURNAL OF XIAOGAN UNIVERSITY
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70873046)
关键词 干旱 危机管理 风险管理 灾害安全网 制度创新 drought crisis management risk management disaster safety net system innovation
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