

Distance and Beauty:On Lin Yutang and Chinese Culture Again
摘要 林语堂与中国文化乃一说不尽之话题。他生长于中国文化之中,却多受西方文化之浸润濡染;身为如假包换之中国人,却多以英文写作;旅居美国30余年,却毅然回归中国文化之母体。纵观其人生及其文学创作,他与中国文化始终保持一种若即若离之距离。正是此种距离使其对中国文化之热爱、选择、审视、绍介乃至回归,升华到一种审美之高度。当然,与中国文化之疏离亦掣肘其文学创作之臻化境。 Lin Yutang and Chinese culture is a never-fully-explored topic.He grows up in Chinese cul-ture,but is influenced to a greater extent by Western cultures;he is a true Chinese,but writes mostly in English;he sojourns in the United States for 30 years,but resolutely returns to Chinese cultural matrix.Throughout his life and his literary creation,he always keeps Chinese culture at arm's length.It is this distance that makes aesthetically sublimate his loving,selecting,scanning,introducing and regressing to Chinese culture.Of course,his alienation from Chinese culture makes his literary creation a bit less consummate.
作者 李顺春
出处 《江苏技术师范学院学报》 2010年第4期89-92,共4页 Journal of Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology
关键词 林语堂 中国文化 距离 美感 Lin Yu-tang Chinese culture distance beauty
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  • 7汉·班固.《白虎通·三纲六纪》.
  • 8汉·郑玄.《诗谱序》.
  • 9晋·傅玄.《九曲歌》.
  • 10李白.《拟古十二首》.


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