

On Evaluation of Coordinated Effects of Horizontal Merger and Frontier Issue
摘要 通过评判性地审视国外、特别是美国反垄断当局和产业组织经济学家所提出的用来评价横向兼并合谋效应的主要方法发现,合谋效应模拟是反垄断经济学和竞争政策研究的一个前沿问题。合谋效应模拟用客观的、可证实的计算代替了主观的、不可证实的直觉,是改进当前合谋效应分析的一条充满希望的有效途径。合谋效应模拟的研究将有助于中国反垄断执法机构更好地进行兼并合谋效应的审查。 This paper reviews critically the approach to evaluation of coordinated effects of horizontal merger,which is presented by antitrust agencies and industrial organization economists in America and Europe,and finds that coordinated effects simulation is a frontier issue in antitrust economics and competition policy field.Coordinated effects simulation is a promising and useful approach to improvement of coordinated effects analysis because it replaces subjective and unverifiable intuition with objective and verifiable computation.Beyond all doubt,the study of coordinated effects simulation will help China's antitrust agencies better evaluate coordinated effects of horizontal merger.
出处 《天津商业大学学报》 2010年第4期41-46,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"差异产品市场横向兼并合谋效应的模拟及应用研究"(70973087)
关键词 横向兼并 合谋效应 兼并模拟 horizontal merger coordinated effects merger simulation
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