
Ad hoc网络中一种带预测的路由算法 被引量:1

Routing algorithm with prediction in Ad hoc networks
摘要 在自组网中,由于网络节点的移动性及拓扑结构的易变性,设计稳定的路由成为最受关注的问题。根据可靠性为多路径路由选择更多的可靠路径,以满足自组网中多路径传输在路径的数量和质量方面的需求,是多路径路由技术中的一个重要研究课题。为此,基于GRID模型和预测模型提出了一种带预测的稳定不相交备用路由算法,其利用有效限制路由查询包的泛洪区域,并结合预测策略和节点不相交路径算法来选择一条最稳定的不相交备用路由,从而进一步提高该路由算法的性能。模拟结果显示,与其他3个多路径路由相比较,该算法是一个有效的自组网路由算法。 In Ad hoc networks,designing stable routing has been the most focused area for their nodes'mobility and topology variability.Few of routing algorithms in Ad hoc networks,which use routing reliability as a routing metric,are proposed. Thus,using routing reliability as a routing metric in multipath routing is an important research problem.In this paper,a new algorithm called backup routing with prediction is presented.Based on grid model and prediction model,the proposed algorithm effectively confines the flooding area of routing query packet and combines prediction strategy with node-disjoint path algorithm to select the most stable disjoint backup route.It is evident from simulation results that the proposed algorithm is an efficient routing compared with other three multipath routing algorithms.
作者 吴正宇
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第21期90-93,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 北京林业大学青年科技启动基金(No.BLX2W8020)
关键词 自组网 备用路由 稳定 Ad hoc networks backup routing stable
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