
急性牙外伤在儿童及青少年中的流行与分布特点 被引量:18

Epidemiology of dental trauma in children and adolescents
摘要 目的 研究急性牙外伤在儿童及青少年中的流行与分布特点,为口腔医师对这一人群的临床治疗和牙外伤的有效预防提供科学依据.方法 选取2008年7月至2009年6月间,首都医科大学附属北京口腔医院急诊科收治符合筛选标准的6~25岁急性牙外伤患者347例,按照国际牙外伤协会分类方法及诊断标准,分别从患者性别、年龄、受伤地点、外伤牙数目、外伤牙位置、牙外伤损伤类型等方面进行数据分析.结果 男性患者219例,女性患者128例,男女比为1.7:1.牙外伤高发年龄为10~13岁儿童,受伤高发地点为学校.外伤牙数目以损伤1~2颗最为常见,分别为37.8%和38.0%.上颌中切牙的发生率最高,右上中切牙34.6%,左上中切牙33.6%.最常见损伤类型为牙齿半脱位(19.8%)和牙釉质-牙本质折断(18.7%).结论 急性牙外伤在儿童期发生率最高,其次是青少年,主要分布在学校,急性牙外伤町造成前牙的终生损害,对于此时期的流行与分布特点和有效预防应给予更多的关注. Objective To study the prevalence and distribution of dental trauma in children and adolescents. Method A total of 347 patients with the permanent anterior teeth injured aged from 6 to 25 years were treated and selected from July 2008 to June 2009. Data of gender, age, site of accident occurred, number of teeth injured, and location and type of injury were taken from the dental records. Results Of them, there were male 219, female 128, and the ratio of male/female was 1.7:1.0, The highest incidence of tooth injuries occurred a-mong children of 10 to 13 years old. The common site of dental trauma was school. The majority of dental casualties had one tooth (38.0%) and two teeth (38.0%) injured. Of all types of dental injury, subloxation (19.8%), and enamel and dentin fractures without pulpa involvement (18.7%) were the most seen ones. Con-clusions The dental trauma in children and adolescents is a major problem that can not be ignored, and should be given persistent attention to prevent.
作者 王楠 龚怡
出处 《中华急诊医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期757-760,共4页 Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine
关键词 急性牙外伤 儿童 青少年 流行病学 Dental trauma Children Young adults Epidemiology
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