
大豆蛋白-半乳甘露聚糖共聚物乳化剂制备条件的优化 被引量:1

The Study of Optimizing the Preparation Conditions Soy Protein-galactomannan Conjugate Emulsifier
摘要 对瓜尔豆胶水解时间(X1)、大豆蛋白与半乳甘露聚糖质量比(X2)、共聚物反应时间(X3)等影响蛋白质-多糖共聚物乳化性质的因素进行三元二次正交旋转组合优化,经回归分析建立了拟合共聚物乳化活性的回归方程Y1=0.7571-0.04756X1+0.04813X2X3-0.1143X21-0.06035X22-0.02621X32和乳化稳定性的回归方程Y2=78.92+1.126X1-2.873X2-2.35X1X2-1.375X2X3-0.99X22,并确定制备具有优良乳化性质的大豆蛋白-半乳甘露聚糖共聚物的最优参数:瓜尔豆胶水解75.05min、大豆蛋白与瓜尔豆胶质量比为50∶50,干热反应时间144h。验证实验表明,该条件下制备的共聚物的乳化活性和稳定性与回归方程预测的理论值很好的拟合。 The optimal of soy protein-galactomannan conjugates with excellent emulsifying properties were studied with three factorial quadratic orthogonal rotation design. The effects of hydrolysis time of guar gum, the weight ratio of soy protein and polysaccharide, and the dry heating time of soy protein and polysaccharide mixture were discussed. The regression equations of emulsifying activity and emulsifying stability were established as Y, = 0. 757 1 - 0. 047 56X1 +0. 048 13X2X3 -0. 1143 X1^2 -0. 060 35X2^2 -0. 026 21X3^2 and Y2 =78.92 + 1. 126X, -2. 873X2 -2.35X1X2 - 1. 375X2X3 - 0.99X2^2 respectively. The optimal conditions to prepare this polymer emulsifier were : hydrolyze guar gum for 75 rain, mix the soy protein and hydrolyzed guar gum with the weight ratio of 50: 50, and then dry heat this mixture at 60℃ for 144hr. The validation tests showed that the emulsifying activity and stability of this conjugates perfectly fit the theoretical values predicted by these two regression equations, and the results of this paper provide theoretical principles to prepare this new natural polymer emulsifier.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期40-44,共5页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 广东省农业攻关项目(No.2007A020300007-16) 高等学校骨干教师国内访问学者项目 广东药学院师资队伍建设经费资助
关键词 大豆分离蛋白 半乳甘露聚糖 乳化活性 乳化稳定性 soy protein isolates, galactomannan, emulsifying activity, emulsifying stability
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