
清初渡海遗民与中日文化认知——以《张斐笔语》、《霞池省庵手简》为中心 被引量:2

The Ming Loyalists Going Abroad in the Early Qing Dynasty and the Cultural Cognition Between China and Japan——Focusing on Zhang Fei's Interview Records(Zhang Fei Bi Yu) and Xiachi and Sheng'an's Hand-Written Letters(Xia Chi Sheng An Shou Jian)
摘要 清初浙江人张斐,交结遗民志士,图谋反清复明,康熙年间两次潜渡日本长崎,效仿乡贤朱舜水,乞师德川幕府。德川氏遣儒臣大串元善与之数度晤谈,留有《张斐笔语》。张斐旅日期间,还与大串元善、今井弘济、安东守约、安东守直、武冈素轩诸人有书信往还、诗文唱和,安东守约集有《霞池省庵手简》。两书内容丰富,涉及制度、学问、史事、风土物产,可见中日间文化之关切与认知程度。本文即将两书置诸清初渡海遗民的历史背景下加以释读,并结合其他文献,发掘此间文化寓意。 Zhang Fei, a native of Zhejiang who lived in the early Qing Dynasty,devoted himself to association with Ming loyalists and conspired to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. He secretly went to Nagasaki twice during the reign of Kangxi. Following the example of his fellow - townsman Zhu Shunshui, he begged Tokugawa Shogunate to dispatch troops to China under the Qing Dynasty. Ookushi Motoyoshi, one of Tokugawa Shogun' s liegemen, was sent to interview Zhang Fei for several times, leaving behind a collection of their interview records entitled Zhang Fei' s Interview Records (Zhang Fei Bi Yu). During his stay in Japan, Zhang Fei kept correspondence and made friends by writing proses and verses with such Japanese scholars as Ookushi Motoyoshi, Imai Kousai, Andou Morinari, Andou Morinao and Takeoka Soken. Andou Morinari collected their letters and compiled a book entitled Xiachi and Sheng' an' s Hand - Written Letters (Xia Chi Sheng An Shou Jian). Those two richly illustrated books involved the institution, learning, historical events, local customs and habits, and products at that time. From them, we can see the interaction and cognition between Chinese culture and Japanese culture. This paper will explain these two books and other historic materials under the background of the Ming loyalists going abroad in the early Qing Dynasty, so as to explore the cultural connotation in them.
作者 刘玉才
机构地区 北京大学中文系
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期107-115,共9页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点项目"<日本国会图书馆藏珍稀本汉籍选刊>"(项目批准号:08JJD751071)成果
关键词 张斐 《张斐笔语》 《霞池省庵手简》 Zhang Fei Zhang Fei's Interview Records (Zhang Fei Bi Yu) Xiachi and Sheng'an' s Hand -Written Letters (Xia Chi Sheng An Shou Jian)
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  • 2阿英.《革命的文学——辛亥革命文谈一》,《人民日报》1961年10月9日.
  • 3张斐.《复大串元善书》,《莽苍园文稿余》,第45页.
  • 4张斐.《复大串元善启》,《莽苍园文稿余》,第39—40页.
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  • 6张斐.《寄下川三省、大串元善书》,《莽苍园文稿余》,第44页.
  • 7张斐.《莽苍园文稿余》,《民报》第十五号夏季增刊本,爱风书屋活字本.
  • 8张斐.《复子平论华夷书》,《莽苍园文稿余》,第40—41页.
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