
MC法与QA法在通信系统仿真中的应用比较 被引量:1

Application and Comparison of MC Method and QA Method on Simulation of Communication System
摘要 研究MC(蒙特卡罗)仿真法和QA(准解析)仿真法的基本思想。为了验证这两种方法在通信系统仿真中的适用性与一致性,根据仿真原理,提出了相应的应用分析,首先建立二进制通信系统模型,然后利用Simulink软件,在相同的运行条件下,通过设置不同的信噪比,对模型的误码率进行了仿真。仿真结果表明这两种方法都能获得同样精确的仿真结果,而准解析法由于其解析的特性,仅需仿真整个系统中的非线性部分,因而相比于蒙特卡罗法所需的仿真运行时间更短,效率更高。 Introduce the basic theory of MC(Monte - Carlo) method and QA(Quasi - analytical) method.In order to validate the applicability? and coherence of these two methods on the simulation of communication system,according to their simulation theories,the corresponding application thoughts are brought forward,and a communication system model of binary sequence is built,and different signal noise ratios are set,and the system' s error rate under the same running condition is simulated by Simulink software.The results show that both methods can acquire the same accuracy simulation results.Due to the analytical character of Quasi - analytical method,this method only needs to simulate the non - linear? part of the whole system.Compare to Monte - Carlo method,Quasi - analytical method has less simulation time and higher efficiency.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期65-69,共5页 Computer Simulation
关键词 蒙特卡罗法 准解析法 仿真 通信系统 Monte-carlo method(MC) Quasi-analytical(QA) method Simulation Communication system
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