
基于独立分量分析的地震资料去噪技术 被引量:1

Seismic Data Noise-suppression Technique Based on Independent Component Analysis
摘要 在地震勘探资料处理中,针对消除多次波干扰问题,为消除多次波,需要将含多次波地震数据与预测多次波进行自适应相减,自适应相减技术大多基于输出信号(有效信号)能量最小准则,在有效信号与多次波存在交叉或重叠时应用效果较差。针对上述问题,重点研究独立分量分析技术,通过估计多次波与有效信号的混合矩阵来实现二者的分离,达到消除多次波的目的。仿真试验结果表明,独立分量分析方法有效避免了常规技术的不足,在有效信号与多次波发生交叉或重叠时,依然能够有效消除多次波,同时较好保护有效信号,为地震勘测提供了令人满意的结果。 In seismic data processing,to eliminate the multiple in seismic data,an adaptive subtraction technique is often used to subtract the predicted multiple from the seismic data.However when the multiple and the available signal are crossed or overlapped,the adaptive subtraction technique based on minimizing the power of the output signal (available signal) cannot get accurate outcome.Aiming at this problem,this study investigates the Independent Component Analysis method.The method can separate multiple and the available signal by estimating their mixture matrix.The results of simulation and actual seismic data processing show this method can efficiently suppress the multiple and protect the available signal compared with the conventional technique,when the multiple and the available signal are crossed or overlapped.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期253-257,共5页 Computer Simulation
关键词 有效信号 多次波干扰 匹配滤波 独立分量分析 Available signal Multiple Adaptive subtraction technique Independent component analysis(ICA)
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