目的探讨下颌第一磨牙形态变异时颊面管的粘接位置对磨牙旋转的影响。方法 20例正畸患者,矫治中使用第二代直丝弓网底颊面管常规粘接在第一磨牙颊面,比较矫治前后第一磨牙的旋转及邻接关系。结果第一磨牙远中尖较大,且偏向颊侧者,矫治后近中颊尖和远中颊尖连线与下颌第二磨牙近中邻面切线所成角度增大。结论第一磨牙远中尖过于偏向颊侧者,颊面管常规粘接会导致远中舌尖向近中舌侧扭转。
Objective To investigate the effect of the mandibular first molar rotation after the mandibular first molar buccal tube have been placed with the abnormal form molar.Methods This study was conducted in 20 patients who met the orthodontics requirement,using the second generation of preadjusted molar buccal tube which made by xinya,evaluate the rotation and adjacency of the first molars.Results If the distal cusp is much bigger,or more buccal,there is an angle between the lines,the one is made up of mesial buccal cusp and distal buccal cusp,the other is tangent line of the second molar mesial proximal surface.Conclusion When the distal cusp remain buccally,the placement of molar buccal tube conduct in routine method,the distal lingual cusp has inclination of moving mesially.
Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment