目的 对比改良式透明压膜保持器与Hawley保持器在恒牙早期下颌后缩患者保持治疗中的临床疗效.方法 选择以下颌后缩为主的恒牙早期安氏Ⅱ类错[牙合]患者30例,下颌后缩均已纠正,咬合关系稳定,已达到正常[牙合]标准,进入保持阶段治疗.患者随机分为两组,每组15例,治疗组分别配戴改良式透明压膜保持器,对照组配戴Hawley保持器进行保持.在配戴前后分别拍摄X线头颅侧位定位片,计算头影测量各指标的均值与标准差,采用配对t检验对两组配戴前后的测量结果进行分析.结果 保持治疗12个月后,X线头影测量显示30例患者上下颌骨均有少量生长,但对照组上颌骨前方生长显著,下颌骨前方生长减弱,前牙覆[牙合]覆盖增大且有复发趋势.实验组头影测量显示软硬组织生理性变化,下颌骨前方生长较上颌骨显著,前牙覆[牙合]覆盖关系保持稳定并有减小趋势.结论 改良式透明压膜保持器较Hawley保持器有效地促进下颌骨的生长发育,协调上下颌骨的位置关系,保持[牙合]关系的稳定及有效改善侧貌外形.
Objective To compare the clinical effects of modified Vacuum-formed retainer with that of Hawley retainer in patients with Class Ⅱ mandibular retrusion. Methods Thirty Class Ⅱ cases were selected. The patients were divided into two groups (one with modified Vacuum-formed retainer, the other with Hawley's retainer). Lateral cephalometric films taken before and after treatment were analyzed. The effects were compared between two groups. Results After 12 months of retention, the overjet and overbite of the 15 cases increased in the control group. Normal overjet and overbite of the 15 cases in the experimental group were established. The molar relationship was Class Ⅰ. Conclusions Compared with Hawley's retainer, modified Vacuum-formed retainer could effectively balance the jaw relationship.
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics