
宽带雷达目标的稳健二进制检测算法 被引量:1

Robust binary integration detector for broadband radar targets
摘要 由于宽带雷达的高分辨距离像(high resolution range profile,HRRP)对方位变化非常敏感,传统的基于散射点密度广义似然比(scatter density dependent generalized likelihood rate test,SDD-GLRT)或二进制积累器(binary integration,BI)检测算法存在参数选择困难的问题。提出的稳健二进制积累器(robust binaryintegration,RBI)采用高低双门限,分别对HRRP进行量化,然后将过高门限的距离单元数加权后与过低门限的距离单元数求和,并将该值与第二门限比较做出最终判决。而后研究了RBI的虚警概率和参数选择的方法。实测数据仿真结果表明,RBI对高低熵值的HRRP都可保证稳健、良好的检测性能。 Due to the azimuth sensitivity of high resolution range profile(HRRP) of broadband radars,it is quite difficult for the scatter density dependent generalized likelihood rate test(SDD-GLRT) and binary integration(BI) detector to choose the proper parameters.Robust binary integration(RBI) is derived by the number of range cells which surpass the high threshold and the number of range cells which surpass the low threshold.Then the false alarm rate and the parameters selection method of RBI are studied.Experimental result for measured data illustrates that RBI achieves robust and efficient detection performance for HRRPs with both high and low entropies.
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期1399-1402,共4页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 国防预研基金资助课题
关键词 检测算子 距离扩展目标 高分辨距离像 二进制积累 detector range-spread target high resolution range profile binary integration
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