通过对WGZ- 35/39 - 2 型锅炉进行节能技术改造,将燃烧器改为双向稳燃通用煤粉主燃烧器以及主送粉系统由乏气送粉改为热风送粉后,燃用低挥发分、高灰分的劣质烟煤时,燃烧稳定,飞灰可燃物含量降低,热效率提高,锅炉在60 % 额定负荷下即可脱油稳定运行。
Through the energy-saving technical improvement of WGZ-35/39-2 boilers, boilers the burner is reformed as the main burner of two-way steady combustion with general coal-pulverizing, the waste-air pulverized coal feed for pulverized coal feeding system is changed to the hot-air pulverized coal feed, and using the poor bituminous coal of low volatile matier and high ash content, the combustion is steady, the combustible mattier content in fly-ash is lower, the heat efficiency is higher, the boiler can operate steadily without oil under 60% rated load.