
我国碳金融交易发展的影响因素分析 被引量:13

The Influential Factors in the Development of Trade in Carbon Finance
摘要 自《京都议定书》2005年生效以来,碳金融市场获得了飞速发展,而我国由于基数大、技术相对落后等原因,显现出了巨大的碳减排发展潜力。本文通过对碳减排需求、碳减排供给、碳减排潜力等问题的考察,分析了我国碳金融交易发展的影响因素,并对如何进一步推进我国碳金融交易发展提出了相关对策建议。 Since the ratification of the Kyoto protocol in 2005,the market of carbon finance has undergone tremendous development.Due to the fact that our country has a large scale in carbon emission and a huge industrial gap compared with that of the developed countries,we possess huge potential in cutting carbon emission.This article analyzes the factors that influence and restrict the development of trade in carbon finance by looking into such issues as the demand for carbon emission reduction,the supply of carbon emission reduction and the potential in carbon emission reduction,which provide us with some relative policy suggestions in terms of further promotion of development of trade in carbon finance.
出处 《上海金融》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第7期31-35,共5页 Shanghai Finance
关键词 碳金融 减排 影响因素 Carbon Finance Emission Reduction Influential Factor
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