Since establishing of People' s Republic of China, China has been under dramatic changes. The target of changes was changing backward and traditional agriculture and rural society to properous socialist society with industralization, urbanization and modemization. From 1949 to 1952, so called period of resuming national economy, social class and stratum of China had reconstitution. Bureaucratic compradors and landlords perished. Economic position and social position of working class and peasant class have been improvod and they become leading power and social basis of the state. Working class, peasant class, petite bourgeoisie and bourgeoisie were the four main classes in this period. From 1953 to 1956, so called socialist reconstruction period, during national indnstralization, the central government carried out reconstruction of agriculture, handicraft industry, and capitalism industry and commerce. From 1957 to 1977, so called period of large scale indnstralization and modem construction, China social structure and class structure had radical changes. In 1978, China conducted opening-up and reform. Since then, agricultural peasant class has had change again. The number of industrial workers and commercial serive workers have been enlarged. Private owners of finns gradually increased. National and social administrators have been in the leading position. The middle class have been increasing.
China Population,Resources and Environment
social class
stratum structure