
国际海洋保护区可持续性融资研究进展 被引量:5

Progress of Research on Sustainable Financing for Marine Protected Areas:An International Literature Review
摘要 本文以国际海洋保护区的各类融资渠道为出发点,从海洋保护区可持续性融资的理论框架、融资可持续的机制优选和技术保障、海洋保护区管理与可持续融资的关系,以及世界各地海洋保护区可持续性融资及评估的案例研究等方面,对20世纪90年代以来有关海洋保护区可持续性融资问题的国际研究文献进行梳理,并结合相关研究成果对海洋保护区可持续融资的关键点进行总结。可持续发展视角下的海洋保护区融资主要体现出以下特点:其一,环境介质影响、所辖区域海洋资源空间分布、生物运动和物质能量循环以及海洋生态系统沿海和大洋的两性特征等因素,导致的陆海保护区资金需求差异,决定了海洋保护区融资机制选择和融资运作有着不同于陆地生态系统和陆地保护区的特征。其二,国际海洋保护区区位、资源禀赋以及区域社会文化背景等的差异,决定了各海洋保护区的可持续融资并无一个统一的可资套用的模式,因此,开展对海洋保护区可持续性融资的本土化研究和区域性评估,应成为各保护区探索适合本区域特征的融资体系的自然选择。 Starting from various types of financing channels for international Marine Protected Areas, this paper sorts out international research documents since the 1990s about sustainable financing of Marine Protected Areas, summarizes the key points on the sustainable financing of Marine Protected Areas combining related research result, and discusses such aspects as theoretical framework of sustainable financing of Marine Protected Areas, sustainable financing mechanisms selection and technical support, Marine Protected Area management and its relationship with sustainable financing, as well as case studies of sustainable financing and evaluation of Marine Protected Areas around the world, etc. From the perspective of sustainable development, Marine Protected Areas financing mainly reflects the following characteristics: First, differences in capital requirements between Marine and Land Protected Areas due to factors such as the environmental media impact, the spatial distribution of marine resources in the areas of jurisdiction, organism movement and energy recychng, as well as coastal and oceanic characteristics of marine ecosystems, determine that the characteristics of financing mechanism selections and operations for Marine Protected Areas are different from that of land ecosystems and Land Protected Areas. Second, differences in location, resource endowment, regional , social and cultural background determine that there is no unified model that can be applied to the sustainable financing of different Marine Protected Areas. Therefore, to carry out localization research and regional assessment on sustainable financing of Marine Protected Areas should be the natural choice for various protected areas to explore suitable financing systems according to regional characteristics.
作者 林强 张继华
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第7期142-146,共5页 China Population,Resources and Environment
关键词 海洋保护区 可持续性融资 融资组合 Marine Protected Areas sustainable financing financing portfolio
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