
自酸蚀粘接剂加复合树脂粘接正畸托槽临床评价 被引量:1

Clinical evaluation of self-etching method plus composite resin for bracket bonding
摘要 目的评价自酸蚀粘接剂+复合树脂粘接正畸托槽的临床使用效果。方法随机选择20名非拔牙患者,采用自身对照的方法进行为期18个月的临床观察,记录脱落托槽所在牙位及脱落后粘接剂在牙釉质表面的残留量,分别计算脱落率及残留指数。结果自酸蚀粘接剂与传统釉质酸蚀粘接剂粘接正畸托槽的脱落率相近(P〉0.05),分别为11.5%和10.5%。使用两种方法托槽脱落后釉质表面粘接材料残留指数无显著差异(P〉0.05)。结论自酸蚀粘接剂使用简单,粘接强度可靠,能够满足正畸临床需要。 Objective To evaluate the self-etching method plus composite resin for orthodontic bracket bonding. Methods Twenty subjects were selected randomly for this 18-month clinical study with the split-mouth method. The location of bond failure and amount of adhesive remnant on the tooth surface were recorded. The bond failure rate and adhesive remnant index were valuated. Resuits The bond failure rate of self-etching method was 11.5% and that of traditional bonding method was 10.5%. Neither the bond failure rate nor the adhesive remnant index had significant difference ( P 〉 0.05 )when compared between the two methods. Conclusion The bond strength of self-etching method for bracket can satisfy the qualification of orthodontic treatment.
出处 《白求恩军医学院学报》 2010年第4期245-247,共3页 Journal of Bethune Military Medical College
关键词 自酸蚀粘接剂 复合树脂 托槽 粘接 Self-etching primer Composite resin Bracket Bonding
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