
产业集群演化与生命周期研究述评 被引量:5

Discussion and Commentary on the Evolution and the Life Cycle of Industrial Clusters
摘要 在过去的几十年间,产业集群问题引起各国学者的广泛关注,他们从各自的范式出发,对产业集群的演化问题进行了研究。随着产业集群在全球范围内的发展与演化,各国学者开始对产业集群演化的周期性问题进行研究,文章对国外、国内产业集群生命周期的研究进行梳理和评价,并提出了产业集群生命周期有待深入研究的问题。 In the past several decades, Industrial cluster was concerned by many scholars world-widely, and the scholars studied the evolution of industrial cluster from many different pattern. With the development of industrial clusters, many scholars begin to study life cycle of industrial clusters. In this paper, we overview and summarize the theories of life cycle of industrial clusters from scholars home and abroad, comment on these theories, and further more, list some questions need to be followed up.
作者 段存广
出处 《当代经济管理》 2010年第8期53-55,共3页 Contemporary Economic Management
关键词 产业集群 演化 生命周期 述评 建议 industrial cluster evolution life cycle of industrial clusters overviewed and commented suggestion
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