
阿片类药物依赖戒断后渴求行为和焦虑情绪的神经生物学机制研究 Ⅱ:吗啡对小鼠学习记忆及行为的影响 被引量:7

The Neurobiological Study for Anxiety and Craving Behavior of the Withdrawal in Opioid Dependence Ⅱ:Impact on Ability of Learning memory and Behavior by Morphine
摘要 目的:探讨吗啡对小鼠的记忆能力及对应激耐受性的影响。方法:采用开场行为自发活动、一次性被动回避反应和强迫游泳检测昆明品系小鼠的学习记忆行为及对应激的耐受性。结果:吗啡小鼠在新异环境中自发活动的探究行为减少,学习记忆能力显著减退,与生理盐水组小鼠有显著性差异;吗啡小鼠对应激的耐受性亦明显下降。结论:吗啡干扰了小鼠正常的学习记忆能力,并导致对应激的警觉性下降。 With the opening and reform,the rate of prevalence in drug abuse has been increasing in country from the end of 80s.Because thebiological mechanism of psychological dependence is unclear,we can not treat the psychological craving after abstaining from opioid dependence.In order to explore the neurobiology in psychological dependence,we performed a serial studies that was supported by the Health Ministry of China and National Education Committee.The theoretical framework of the studies was reported here,which included:①scientific significances,②theoretical assume,③technical scheme,④objective and process.With these studies we hope that more and more thetical assume in neurobiology of psychological dependence could be conformed,and new drugs on anxiety and craving behavior in opioid addiction could be found.
出处 《华西医学》 CAS 1999年第1期11-14,共4页 West China Medical Journal
基金 卫生部资助课题
关键词 药物依赖 戒断 渴求行为 焦虑情绪 神经生物学 drug dependence withdrawal Craving behavior anxiety neurobiology
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