

Government Management Innovation from the Perspective of National Innovation Systems
摘要 建设创新型国家已成为我国发展战略的核心,如何建设创新型国家已成为国内热议的话题。创新从创新系统中涌现的现象引起政府对国家创新系统建设的重视。经过对国家创新系统的理论渊源、主要内容和演化过程的分析,研究认为政府在国家创新系统中的作用已从单纯的激励创新向激励创新主体间的互动转变。我国创新战略的实施需要从科技投入、创新环境、创新网络和技术预见四个方面对政府管理予以创新,促进创新系统内创新要素的流动。 Building an innovation - oriented country became the core of our national development strategy. The building of an innovative country and the role of government has become a hot topic for discussion. Nowadays, Governments pay more attentions to the phenomenon that innovation emerged from innovation systems. This paper analyzes the origin, main content and evolution of national innovation systems, and suggests that the role of modern government in the national innovation system has changed from just stimulating innovation to encouraging the interaction between innovators. China's innovation strategy needs to strengthen the role of government in four areas : increasing investment of science and technology, improving innovation environment, building innovation networks and executing technology foresight, to effectively promote the communication of innovative elements within the systems.
作者 王凯峰
出处 《技术与创新管理》 2010年第4期392-396,共5页 Technology and Innovation Management
关键词 国家创新系统 政府管理 创新 national systems of innovation government management innovation
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