Objective To evaluate the effect of multiple subpial transection (MTS) in combination with resection of epileptogenic' focus or lobectomy on intractable epilepsy. Methods Epileptogenic focus was diStinguished by the aid oLdiagnostic imaging andelectroencephalography. Electrocorticography was done in a cadet-model during operation. Epileptogenic focus located in 'nonfunctional' cortex was resected and MST was done around the focus until epileptic waves disappeared on the electrocorticogram. Thepatients who had no obvious epileptogenic focus but had extensive abnormal waves especially in the temporal lobe, amygdaloidnucleus or hippocampial areas, underwent anterior temporal lobectomy including selective amygdalo-h ippocampecto my in additi onto MST MST was administered to the important functional cortex with epileptogenic waves along with stereotactic cerebraloperation by CT if there was space-occupying lesion in the cortex. All patients received anti-epileptic drugs for 2 years during whichthe drug doses were gradually reduced. Results No death and severe complication after the treatmeflt occurred in the 11 patients.Only 2 patients suffered hemiplegia in several days after treatment and recovered quickly. All the patients were followed up one tofive years. Nine patients had no epileptic attack after operation and only 2 had petit mal epilepsy in one year after operation. Followup electroencephalography showed that the epileptic waves disappeared or the eXtensive and moderately or severely abnormal waveschanged into local and mildly abnormal waves. Conclusion MST in combination with resection ofepileptogenic focus or lobectomyfor intramable epilepsy could remain more normal cortex and obtain biber outCome.
Journal of First Military Medical University
intractable epilepsy
multiple subpial transection
epileptogenic focus resection