
污泥酸性发酵获取SRB碳源的研究 被引量:1

Research on Sludge Acidogenic Fermentation for Gaining Carbon Source for Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
摘要 采用间歇运行的序批式反应器,对城市污水厂污泥酸性发酵进行了研究,用正交实验方法考察了温度、污泥体积分数、搅拌方式对污泥产酸量及污泥酸性发酵产物组成的影响。结果表明:温度对污泥产酸量影响显著,搅拌方式、污泥体积分数对污泥产酸量影响不显著。得出的最佳工况为:当温度为22℃,污泥体积分数为10%,搅拌方式为每间隔60 min搅拌10 min,起始pH为6.41~6.89,不接种产酸菌,发酵13 d时,污泥产酸量达最大,每1 g挥发性固体(VS)产生0.171 gVFA,VS的去除率为21.58%,污泥酸性发酵产物中乙酸、丙酸、丁酸的质量分数分别为31.66%,33.64%,34.70%,污泥发酵为混合酸发酵。 Acidogenic fermentation of sludge from municipal sewage treatment plant was conducted in sequencing batch reactor with batch operation mode,which gained carbon source for sulfate reducing bacteria.Some factors effecting sludge acid yield and fermentation product component were studied with an orthogonal test,including temperature,stirring method and sludge volume fraction.It was concluded that temperature had a notable effect on sludge acid yield.Stirring method and sludge volume fraction had not significant effects on sludge acid yield.Optimal conditions were,temperature 22℃,sludge volume fraction 10%,10 min stirring at the interval of 60 min.Maximum acid yield was 0.171 g of VFA produced by per gram of VS after 13 days of fermentation.Removal rate of VS in sludge is 21.58%.In sludge fermentation product component,the content of acetic acid,propionic acid and butyvic acid was 31.66%,33.64%,and 34.70%,respectively.
出处 《太原理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期342-344,共3页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology
关键词 污泥 酸性发酵 碳源 硫酸盐还原菌 sludge acidogenic fermentation carbon source sulfate reducing bacteria
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