
核心高强混凝土短柱偏心受压试验 被引量:1

Experiment of concrete columns with high strength concrete core under eccentric loading
摘要 为考察偏心受压荷载下核心高强混凝土柱的受力性能,对12根以偏心距和核心高强混凝土面积为参数的核心高强混凝土短柱进行偏心受压试验,分析了试验柱的破坏特征,考察了试验柱距柱端0.5倍柱高处截面在加载过程中应变的分布与发展以及柱侧向挠度在加载过程中的变化.分4种情况分别提出了偏心受压核心高强混凝土柱承载力计算方法,结果表明按照所提出的方法得到的计算结果与试验结果符合良好. Concrete columns with high strength concrete core is a kind of composite concrete column with high strength concrete inside and general reinforced concrete outside,which have higher bearing capacity,better fire-resistance as well as better seismic behavior,compared with traditional reinforced concrete columns. Experiments were carried out on twelve such eccentrically loaded columns with different eccentricity and different area of high strength concrete core. The failure characteristic of these specimens were analyzed,the strain distribution in the section of the half-height of columns and the development of lateral deflection was investigated,during the whole loading process. Calculation method is provided to predict the bearing capacity of the concrete columns with high strength concrete core under eccentric loading. It is shown that the results obtained by this method match well with the experimental results.
作者 郑文忠 齐岳
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期44-48,共5页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2006BAJ03A10-07) 教育部长江学者奖励计划资助项目(2009-37)
关键词 核心高强混凝土 偏心受压 偏心距 侧向挠度 承载力 high strength concrete core eccentric loading column eccentricity lateral deflection bearing capacity
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