
加拿大农业生物技术研发特点及对我国的启示 被引量:1

Characteristics of Agricultural Biotechnology R&D in Canada and the Enlightenment to Our Country
摘要 加拿大是全球转基因油菜研发及推广最为成功的国家,从市场集中度及流动性、资金来源、对外依赖性、重点研发作物和性状选择以及技术进展5个方面,对其当前农业生物技术研发特点进行了总结。得出对我国的4点启示:妥善处理好规避国外专利"陷阱"与加强国内农业研发知识产权保护之间的关系;拥有一批真正具有自主知识产权的核心技术;培植具有国际竞争力的农业生物技术研发龙头企业,在研发重点选择方面要遵循以市场需求为基础、循序渐进的原则。 As the most successful country in global transgenic rapeseed RD and commercialization, this paper summarized the present characteristics of the agricultural biotechnology RD in Canada from five aspects: market concentration, source of RD fund, dependence on foreign countries, RD priority and technology RD development. Then ,it gave four important enlightenments: handling appropriately the relationships between evading foreign patent traps and strengthen domestic intellectual property rights on agricultural RD , having some core technology that we really have independent intellectual property right, cultivating faucet agricultural biotechnology RD enterprise that has global competitiveness and following the principle of according to the peasant market demand and Advance gradually in due order when choose the important traits and crops.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第14期55-59,共5页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
关键词 农业生物技术 专利陷阱 研发市场 加拿大 自主知识产权 Agricultural Biotechnology Patent Trap R&D Market Canada Independent Intellectual Property Right
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