
论中国古代书画史上的“临仿情结”——以王原祁作品为例 被引量:1

"Lin" and "Fang" Complex in Chinese Art History——Such as Wang Yuan-qi's tendency of learning classical painting
摘要 中国文化在传承方面,素有浓厚的"崇古"倾向与"原典情结",反映在绘画上,中国文人历来强调"无一笔无来历","临仿"遂成为"崇古"的最佳方式之一。对于古代绘画史上的"临"、"仿"问题,不能仅从技术层面上着眼,必须从东方民族文化背景的层面上,从中国文人的审美取向、心理定势、思维模式入手,方能洞悉此秘,进而从学理上证明:所谓"临仿",不仅仅是一个笔墨技法的问题,而是一个"技进乎道"的过程。它实际上是画家对客观物象的主动把握与诗化呈现的重要手段,它要求画家必须大胆放弃"客观"再现物象的笨拙努力,充分发挥"临仿"的主动性,以有限的笔墨去容涵无限。一个"临"字,看似被动,实则具有取类归赋的"主动"意向,包含着极大的审美选择和创造自由,也蕴藏着画家对物象的"气"、"韵"的深刻体悟与感应;画家在"临仿"的过程中,忘情体物,"澄怀味象",因物象而"得其天",最终达至"与造化生物之机盖无以异"的境界,此乃中国传统的思维模式与审美取向在绘画实践中的本质体现。倘若将此类冠以"临仿"之名的作品置于中国古代文化术语的模糊性及宽泛性的语境下予以审视,似乎已不能全然以"临仿"之作视之,而是跳出古人窠臼、自出机杼的独创之作。 In China traditional curture,there are strong "learning the ancient "and "classical book emotional" ties" in succession of the later generations to older generations;in china painting,scholar artists pay much attention to " wuyibiwulaichu",so " lin" and " fang" is the best style of learning the ancient,so if we talk about " lin" and " fang" in china painting,we should not only discuss the technical angle of the china painting,but also discuss the background of the orient culture and the orientation in appreciation of the wonderful in psychology angle,and only do that,we can know " lin" and " fang" are not only in relation to " bimo ",but also to been looked as a process of " jijinhudao",which proves the scholar artist use style of " lin" and " fang" to get the understanding to the older generations.It demands the artist Fully exercises the initiative,and temporarily give up to reappear the nature,and to use limited " bimo" to include unlimited nature," lin" and " fang" look impassive,but actually it have the initiative of " quleiguifu",and include the choice of esthetic judgement,we can get the conclusion there is a strong " classical book emotional ties" in culture inherit of china,such as learning the great artist'works,but,since the ancient culture in china have the indistinct trait,some artist is not always learning the ancient master,sometimes,they learn the nature and creat their own style too.
作者 郭建平
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2010年第4期41-45,共5页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 原典情结 临仿 王原祁 "classical book comple" "lin" and "fang" Wang Yuan-qi
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  • 1丁羲元.《"四王"的"仿"与"现代"意识》,《清初四王画派研究论文集》,1993上海书画出版社.
  • 2方闻.《为什么中国画是历史》,《心印》,陕西人民美术出版社,2003年版,第261页.
  • 3方闻.《中国艺术史:书画同体》,清华大学中国考古与艺术史研究所编.
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  • 7王原祁.《仿大痴山水图》轴款识.
  • 8宋·郭熙.《林泉高致》(国图藏明抄本).


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  • 8A detail of his famous Fu Ch' un Mountains handscroll may revealsomething of the rational quality in brushwork.and composition that seemed to his contemporaries a true return to the great masters of Northern Sung.But it is in effect a new style with a more abstract,less representational type of brush stroke,a purer and more remoteair derived in large part from the judicious display of numerous and complex areas of white paper.like the art of Poussin,Huang's art seems "aesthetic",self conscious in the best sense,a style of painting for those wno love painting,including first and foremost,others painters"Sherman E.lee.《Chinese Landscape Painting》IconEditions Harper &nRow,Publishers page 45.
  • 9明·董其昌.容台别集卷四《题跋》[M].影印本《客台集》,500.
  • 10明·董其昌.画旨[M].










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