
刘师培与康有为“董氏学”研究之比较 被引量:1

The Research Comparisons between Liu Shi-pei and Kang You-wei in Their Study of Dong Zhong-shu's Doctrine
摘要 在晚清学术转型的过程中,汉代经学大师董仲舒的学说受到了当时学者的关注。在晚清学者中,康有为与刘师培都十分重视对董仲舒学说的研究,由于思想倾向和学术背景的不同,他们对于"董氏学"的研究表现出不同的价值取向。关于"董氏学"中的"微言大义",康有为是借助其来阐述其变法改制的思想,并进而以当代孔子和董仲舒的身份自居来阐述自己的政治主张;刘师培则主要从学术研究的角度考察汉儒研究经学的功用情况。对于"董氏学"中君民关系的看法,刘师培认为汉儒有着严格限制君权的思想,这种思想与近代民主思想有着某种契合之处;康有为则侧重以此来阐述"董氏学"中的"改制"、"变法"思想。对于公羊学中"夷夏之辨"、"种族之分"的理解,刘师培严明"夷夏之辨"和"种族之分",其目的在于"以种族之说倡革命",康有为则尽量弥合"夷夏之别",认为划分夷夏的标准不是种族,而是文明进化程度。康有为、刘师培关于"董氏学"分歧的复杂性,在一定程度上体现了晚清时期学术论争的时代特色以及学术与政治之间的互动关系。 In late Qing Dynasty academic reforming process,the Han Dynasty study master Dong Zhong-shu's theory has received scholars' attention.Both Liu Shi-pei and Kang You-wei paid attention to the research of Dong Zhong-shu's doctrine.As a result of their difference between thought tendency and academic background,they regarded the research of Dong Zhong-shu's doctrine in different value orientation.About the historical value of " sublime words with deep meaning" in Dong's doctrine,Kang with the aid of it elaborates its political reform thought,and then shows his pose as contemporary and Dong's status to elaborate his own political opinion.Liu was main stem from the scholarly research angle to inspect the study of the Confucian function situation by the Han scholars.In the view about the relation of Emperor and the populace in Dong's doctrine,Liu thought that the Han scholars have the strict monarchial power limitation thought which has some similar place with the modern democratic idea.About the understanding of distinguishing the " barbarian tribes and China"," race difference",Liu is strict with " distinguishing the barbarian tribes and China" and " division the race",the aim is " to lead the revolution by the race theory".Kang as far as possible closes to " leaving of the barbarian tribes and China",he thought that in the division of barbarian tribes and China,the standard is not the race,but the civilized evolution degree.Their complex difference about Dong's doctrine,to a certain extent,has manifested the academic debate characteristics of the time as well as the academic and the political interactive relations in the late Qing Dynasty.
作者 曲洪波
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2010年第4期78-83,共6页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 刘师培 康有为 董氏学 Liu Shi-pei Kang You-wei Dong Zhong-shu's doctrine
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  • 1李帆.《刘师培学谱简编》,《刘师培与中西学术》,北京师范大学出版社,2003年版,第220页.
  • 2康有为.《春秋董氏学》,载《康有为全集》第二集,姜义华,张荣华编校,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第324页.
  • 3康有为.《桂学答问》,姜义华,吴根棵编校.《康有为全集》(二),上海古籍出版社,1990年,53页,55页.
  • 4刘师培.《两汉学术发微论·总序》,《中国中古文学史讲义》,中国人民大学出版社,2004年版,第225页.
  • 5康有为.《万木草堂口说》[A].楼宇烈整理.《长兴学记·桂学答问·万木草堂口说》[C].北京:中华书局,1988年.第189页.
  • 6刘师培.《两汉政治学发微论》,《中国中古文学史讲义》,第226-229页.
  • 7康有为.《春秋董氏学》[A].朱维铮编校.《中国现代学术经典·康有为卷》[C].,.第211页.
  • 8刘师培.《两汉种族发微论》,《中国中古文学史讲义》,第231、231、235页.
  • 9康有为.《孟子微》,《康有为全集》第五集,第496页.
  • 10康有为.《中庸注》.楼宇烈整理.《孟子微 礼运注 中庸注》,中华书局,1987年,第223页











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