
应用PDSⅡ行全筋膜层连续缝合关闭腹壁切口993例临床分析 被引量:2

Retrospectively analyzing 993 cases used the full fascia closure with PDS Ⅱ
摘要 目的探讨腹壁缝合新技术。方法回顾性分析采用腹壁全筋膜层连续缝合方式,即用PDSⅡ(强生1-0 ETHICON普迪思58mm大圆针袢形线)穿过筋膜、肌肉及腹膜作全层连续缝合993例患者的临床资料,并与传统分层缝合进行比较。结果全筋膜层缝合组切口裂开5例(0.50%),伤口局部皮下脂肪液化、积液、感染21例(2.11%),粘连性肠梗阻1例(0.10%),未发生切口疝。分层缝合组切口裂开19例(3.06%),粘连性肠梗阻7例(1.13%),伤口局部皮下脂肪液化、积液、感染33例(5.31%),切口疝5例(0.81%)。结论应用PDSⅡ作全筋膜层连续缝合腹壁,方法 简便,减少了术后并发症,尤其适用于老年患者、极度肥胖患者、术中麻醉效果差及腹肌紧张者。 Objective To discuss the new technique used in closing abdomen. Methods By comparing cases using the full fascia closure technique with 1-0 ETHICON springe absorbable sutures (PDS II ) to the cases using traditional layered closure technique, collected and retrospectively analyzed the clinical data. Results The full fascia closure group:there were 5 cases suffered wound dehiscence,21 cases suffered subcutaneous fat liquefy or dropsy or infection. Bowel obstruction in 1 case. Nobody suffered incisionat hernia. The layered closure group: there were 19 cases suffered wound dehiscence, 33 cases suffered subcutaneous fat liquefy or dropsy or infection. Bowel obstruction in 7 case. 5 cases suffered incisional hernia. Conclusion Using the full fascia closure tech- nique with PDS ]t is an easy procedure with less complications,especially treated with some difficult cases such as obese or old pa tients or the patient who has poor anesthesia effect or abdominal muscular tension.
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第15期2041-2042,共2页 Chongqing medicine
关键词 腹部切口 全筋膜层连续缝合 普迪思可吸收缝线 abdominal incision the full fascia closure ETHICON springe absorbable sutures
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