

Thought on Promoting China's Soft Strength:from the Perspective of Aiding to Africa
摘要 党的十七大报告明确提出中国要提高国家文化软实力,这标志着中国已经将软实力建设提高到国家实力构建的战略层次。软实力有多种来源,对外援助就是一个将抽象的外交政策目标、文化、意识形态、价值观等具体化,从而为软实力建设注入活力的过程。援助非洲对提升中国软实力具有重要意义,但由于中国对外援助机制尚不成熟,加上中非文化的差异、援助国间的竞争等原因,使得援助非洲效果受到一定限制。应通过推动中国对外援助的制度化建设,鼓励援非施工人员与当地的交流,加强援非领域的国际合作等提高援非水平,以提升中国软实力。 In the report of the Party's 17^th congress, to enhance the national culture soft strength was explicitly put forward which indicates that China has already raised the soft strength construction to the strategic level of constructing the national strength. The soft strength has many kinds of resources and the foreign aid is a process of concretizing the abstract foreign policy goal, culture, ideology, values and so on to input energy for the soft strength construction. Aiding to Africa have important significance to promote China's soft strength. Because China's foreign aid mechanism was not still mature, in addition, there existed cultural difference between China and Africa, competition between aidgiving countries, the effect of aiding to Africa was limited. It should through the institution construction of China's foreign aid encourage builders of aiding to Africa communicate with the local people, strength international cooperation in the aiding to Africa to promote the level of aiding to Africa and China' s soft strength.
作者 魏雪梅
出处 《福建行政学院学报》 2010年第4期66-71,共6页 Journal of Fujian Administration Institute
关键词 软实力 提升 援助 非洲 Soft strength Promote Aid Africa
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