目的探讨不同病理组织类型的中央型肺癌的MSCT表现与其对应的纤维支气管镜下表现。方法中央型肺癌200例分鳞癌、腺癌和小细胞肺癌三组,对比各组间MSCT表现及纤维支气管镜的表现。结果 MSCT上肺癌的气道改变在鳞癌与腺癌组、鳞癌与小细胞肺癌组间比较有统计学意义差异。小细胞肺癌组肺门纵隔淋巴结转移率高于其它两组。在纤支镜下,鳞癌主要表现为管内增殖型,腺癌主要为管壁浸润型,小细胞癌也以管壁浸润型为主。结论 MSCT表现对不同组织类型的中央型肺癌有一定的鉴别诊断作用,结合纤支镜所见形态特征可以推测肺癌可能的组织类型。
Aim To investigate the relationship between MSCT imaging features and bronchoscopic findings of central lung cancer of different histological type.Methods Two hundred cases of central lung cancer were divided into such three groups as,squamous carcinoma(SC),adenocarcinoma(AC)and small cell lung cancer(SCLC),and tried to find out their difference in MSCT imaging features and bronchoscopic findings.Results The appearance of invasive bronchus of the cancer was significantly different between SC and AC 、SC.We also found out that the proportion of SCLC in lymph nodes metastasis was much higher than that of the other two type of tumor.There was significantly difference in the types under the bronchofibroscope between SC and AC 、SC and SCLC.Conlusions MSCT imaging features make a further step to presume cancer's possible histological type if combined with morphologic characteristics of bronchoscopic findings.
China Tropical Medicine