

An Empirical Study on Vertical Intra-Industry Trade of China and APEC Members——Based on 1999-2008 Panel Data Analysis
摘要 在本文中,我们基于1999-2008年中国和17个APEC成员国(15个APEC成员国外加印度、巴西两国)之间7类、8类商品的双边贸易数据,研究中国和APEC成员国之间垂直产业内贸易的发展现状及其发展趋势,尝试通过人均收入差异、经济规模、国家之间的距离、资本人口比等变量去解释下垂直产业内贸易和上垂直产业内贸易的分布特征。研究结果表明:当贸易伙伴国为发达经济体时,人均收入差异、经济规模与垂直产业内贸易正相关,当贸易伙伴国为发展中经济体时,结论与之相反。 Based on the seventh class and the eighth class good-trade data between China and the 17 APEC member countries(15 APEC members countries,plus India and Brazil) during1999 to 2008,we study the status and the trend of the VIIT between China and the APEC member countries,trying to explain the characteristics of distribution of down-VIIT and up-VIIT through differences in per capita income,economic size,the distances between countries,capital-population and other variables.The results show that: When the trading partner countries are the developed economic bodies,differences in per capita income,the scales of economies and vertical intra-industry trade are related;when the trading partner countries are the developing economic bodies,the conclusion is contrary.
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第4期81-86,共6页 Journal of Xidian University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(07AJL008) 国家社会科学基金青年项目(09CJL033)
关键词 下垂直产业内贸易 上垂直产业内贸易 G&L指数 Down-vertical intra-industry trade Up-vertical intra-industry trade G & L index
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