Hu Xiansu is not only the famous natural scientist, but also a master of Guoxue. As a seeker for both humanity mood and scientific spirit, he primarily kept a vigil over the sequel of human nature's dissimilation in evolutionary process. He opposed Hu Shi's complete Westernization theory, taking the place of the Confucian School with the pragmatism, the pure during the enlightenment campaign period. Hu Xiansu and no artistic valuable vernacular literature advocated insists we should receive good essence of culture and abandon its dregs, and fuse ancient and modern in China and abroad culture to construct new culture in China. Hu Xiansu manifested his humanism that centers on human beings and their values, capacities, development and worth, the latent energy excavating human, qualities progress. In the .controversy against Hu Shi and some others, he was well on his way to becoming an articulate transmitter of the Humanistic. Besides, he carried out active exploration, trying to come true "creating and keeping one kind of humanism, which is not sacred with religion but regarded for morality".
Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
Hu Xiansu, humanism, traditional culture